Invisalign Technology straightens your teeth without having anyone notice you have braces!
Having straight teeth not only boosts self confidence but allows you to go about your daily business without having to feel self conscious when talking to loved ones or colleagues. Invisalign is a popular alternative to wire braces that uses transparent aligners to adjust teeth.
There are no metal wires or brackets, so you don’t need to worry about irritation. Custom made removable aligners are made specifically for your teeth and changed every two weeks. Little by little, week by week, your teeth will move until they have straightened to the final position determined by your dentist at World Citi Dental.
If you’re ready to transform your smile, World Citi Dental can assist you as we are a certified provider of Invisalign.
If you have any concerns about your oral health, or would like to discuss whether invisalign is suitable for you, feel free to book a general consultation or call us on 1300 788 798.